
WildTrips Safari

Wildtrip Safari is a tour company located in Dar es Salaam and Moshi, fully owned and operated by local Tanzanian men. Our passion is to share the countless wonders of nature that Africa has to offer. From the comfortable, and yet thrilling vantage point of an open safari vehicle, with every little detail being carefully prepared by a knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated professional field guide. Our team, forged by the very best professionals, allows us to create unique safari experiences and memories that will last for a very long time.

Wildtrip Safaris offers to its customers and guests an wide range and choices of safari options and holidays, in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, which is our home – Tanzania. We’ve got it all, from abundant wildlife, beautiful sandy Zanzibar beaches, all year round sunshine, world class hotels and lodges and superb facilities, all that at the very affordable rates.

wildtrip safari